Elementary Christmas Spirit Week Activities
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R6 School District
Christmas Spirit Week
12-6-23: Oak Ridge HSBB vs Delta Game time: 6 pm https://youtube.com/live/qA_76Rjuias?feature=share
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
Oak Rige High School Boys basketball vs Delta, game time 6 pm
The FFA spent Friday night setting up for a food packing event at the Osage Center. They set-up tables, chairs, sanitized, ran extension cords, moved food that would be used for packing, assembled boxes and several other tasks. The chapter made sure everything was ready to go so volunteers could pack over 300,000 meals on Saturday and Sunday.
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
students in a group
four students filling boxes
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Ty Wilson and Konnor Hobeck for being selected to the Woodland Invitational All Tournament team. We are so proud of you both and way to play hard at the tournament this week.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
Ty Wilson and Konnor Hobeck WIT All Tournament Team
Oak Ridge Boys defeat Leopold tonight 74-61 to take 3rd place in the Woodland Invitational Tournament. Congratulations boys and Coaches.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
3rd place WIT
Senior boys WIT
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R6 School District
Oak Ridge JH/HS Weekly Newsletter (12/1/23) https://www.smore.com/wx3bf
about 1 year ago, Clayton Collier
FCCLA green cap collection
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
Oak Ridge FCCLA geen cap collection of select drink lids, ends 1-31-23
Oak Ridge R-VI Schools Winter Music Events
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
Oak Ridge R-VI Schools Winter Events
Wednesday, 11-29-23: join FCA for waffles and the word @ 7:15 ish
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
OR FCA 11-29-23 around 7:15 for waffles and the word
Here is our schedule for this week. Week of 11/27-12/1. Monday 11/27: HSGB @ Delta, 6pm (JV/V) Tuesday 11/28: HSGB @ Puxico, 6pm (JV/V); HSBB @ Woodland vs Perryville 6:30pm. Wednesday 11/29: NO Games Thursday 11/30: HSGB @ Grandview 5:30pm; HSBB @ Woodland, if we win 11/28 we play at 8pm, if we lose on 11/28 we will play at 5pm. I’ll keep you posted. Friday 12/1: HSBB @ Woodland TBA. I’ll post results and keep you all updated throughout the week regarding the boys Woodland Tournament times. Have a great rest of your Sunday.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
Thank a teacher promotion. Congratulations Ms. Berjer and Lane Price.
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
Thank a teacher promotion
Here's what we have going on this week. Week of 11/20-11/24 Monday 11/20: JHBB Scott Miss Conf TRN @ Scott City. 7th: 4:30; 8th: 5:45pm, bus leaves at 3:30pm Both will play in the HS gym. HSGB vs St. Paul Farmington 6pm, (varsity only game) Tuesday 11/21: JHBB Scott Miss Conf TRN @ Scott City TBA; HSGB @ Bloomfield 6pm; (varsity only game) Bus leaves at 3:45pm Wednesday 11/22: NO GAMES; NO SCHOOL Thursday 11/23: Happy Thanksgiving; NO SCHOOL; NO Games Friday 11/24: NO Games; NO School I'll keep you posted if anything changes and will let you know about Tuesday's Conference Finals. Let me know if you have any questions.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
Oak Ridge JH/HS Weekly Newsletter (11/17/23) https://www.smore.com/p3u8b
about 1 year ago, Clayton Collier
Community Newsletter https://www.smore.com/9by6a
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R-VI School District
blue jay
about 1 year ago, Oak Ridge R6 School District
We are SHOUTING from the rooftops of Oak Ridge High School, CONGRATULATIONS to Reagan Howe for making the HS Volleyball All State Team. We could not be more proud of you.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
Reagan Howe All State Member
Tonight is the last regular season game for our JH boys basketball team. We welcome Kelly to town for a showdown. 7th grade will start at 6pm with 8th grade to follow. Good luck boys and coaches. Here is the live stream link in case you can’t make it in person. https://youtube.com/live/sTaU6QTBLi4?feature=share
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
Winter sports pictures will be taken on Tuesday, 11/28 starting at 2pm in the HS gym. I will pass out picture packets as soon as I receive them from Cheekwood. This includes athletes from HS boys and girls basketball as well as cheerleaders.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
Here is the bracket for the JHBB Scott Miss Conference Tournament @ Scott City. They are using both gyms at Scott City School. The bus will leave at 10:30am on Saturday. Just a heads up, games will run ahead of schedule if possible. I will let you know if anything changes and keep you posted on results.
about 1 year ago, Julie Ward Oak Ridge AD, HS/JH Girls B-ball Coach
8th Grade Bracket
7th Grade Bracket